24 comments on “Torrent Feed added

    1. PRT Post author

      What’s disappointing and frustrating is that so far I spent over $15,000 of my own money to run this while I haven’t received a single cent in donations 😉 I originally thought it’d be a piece of cake to cover the expenses from donations, had no idea what cheapskates you people are.

  1. mi

    leave subscription change on downloading or watching like netflix on monthly basis and amount is less so it can be affordable to everyone that reduce Burden on you. because i can’t pay money in lump sum or in dollars because in my country transaction made in rupee. i want to help you but how.

    1. PRT Post author

      I set this operation up so I can never be traced. Accepting any kind of money through legacy payment systems would completely undermine my anonymity.

      1. coolfire

        dude,im sorry that digital curency is illegal & banned in da country im in ! and 2 be fair the guys that use ur site daily are mostly petty,cheap,lazy,ill equiped “Losers”(parts of me included),if u r doin’ this 4 some kind of charity 4 horny Losers ,good 4 u,but u definitely gonna lose money on this! if u r loaded,u can carry on this!if u are not & hate 2 spent ur own money then u should end this project because u cant get any money from ur users!if u charge people 4 da contents they’ll definitely go back 2 the free uploaders even the quality is poorer than urs! finally, thanks,im sorry that i cant do any thing 4!

        1. PRT Post author

          I don’t expect much monetary support from Indians since their economic power is low and cryptocurrencies are banned. But majority of traffic comes from the USA and Western Europe.

          1. coolfire

            i guess losers all around the globe & through out the history are the same like i describled before : petty ,cheap ,lazy ,full of themselves ,have no respect.but what PRT doin’ right now is quite noble,all praise,man!

  2. mi

    yes that the truth about India we don’t have economical strong but the main problem is some of us Indians want everything free. and this is way we are underdeveloped national.

  3. PRT Post author

    Changed seedbox setup from ruTorrent to qBittorrent. Seems to perform better. Trying ratio > 100 or 14 days of seeding. Let’s see if it can manage that.


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